Physical Changes Postpartum

Physical Changes Postpartum


Vaginal bleeding, known as lochia. This discharge consists of blood, tissue, and mucus from the uterus as it heals from the placenta's attachment. Initially bright red and heavy, it gradually transitions to a lighter flow over the course of a few weeks.

Uterine contractions, often called afterpains. These cramps occur as your uterus shrinks back to its pre-pregnancy size. They might feel like menstrual cramps and can be more pronounced during breastfeeding.

Breast Changes: Engorgement and Milk Production
Your breasts will likely become larger, tender, and might feel engorged as they begin producing milk. This process, known as lactogenesis, starts a few days after birth. It's normal for breasts to feel heavy and warm, and leaking of colostrum or milk is common.

Perineal Soreness or Tears
For those who had a vaginal birth, expect some perineal soreness or potential tears. Using a peri bottle with warm water while urinating and sitting on a cushion can provide relief.

Hormonal Changes

Hormones continue their rollercoaster ride, leading to hair loss for many new moms. The luscious locks from pregnancy might start shedding a few months postpartum. Additionally, hormonal fluctuations can result in skin changes like acne or hyperpigmentation, though these tend to subside over time.

Pelvic Floor Changes
Your pelvic floor has undergone significant changes during pregnancy and birth. Strengthening exercises (kegels) can help restore muscle tone, supporting bladder control and overall pelvic health.

Each woman's postpartum experience is unique, and these physical changes are part of the transformation your body undergoes after childbirth. Be patient, be kind to yourself mama.

If you have concerns about any physical changes or are unsure if what you're experiencing is normal, don't hesitate to reach out to your healthcare provider.  They're there to support you.


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