About Us


 Article written by The Natural Parent Magazine



In 2018 Mum-of-two and former Assistant Headteacher Lulu was looking for a new challenge that would allow her to also spend time with her two sons. Wanting to tap into her creative side, she set out to design personal care items for postpartum mums. At Ninja Mama, they provide parents with useful, quality, great-value products that really work. They understand the temptation to buy the latest “must-have” items marketed to parents, and only offer products that they, as mums, have found useful themselves. All of their products have been designed, tested and approved by mums and make the ideal gifts for mamas-to-be. Here Lulu talks to The Natural Parent Magazine about the inspiration behind Ninja Mama and her business journey so far.


The passion: What inspired you to set up your business?

I really wanted to create something of my own instead of going back to my teaching career after having my two boys. I was an Assistant Headteacher, and it was pretty full on. My priorities changed after having my children, but I still wanted to work as well as having time for my boys. I needed to create something that I could work around my young family but at the same time be able to use my creative side. 



The launch: How did you start out in the beginning?

I wanted to provide mums with high quality, useful items that I knew they would find useful after birth. These items, although some were already available, were very basic, and I felt they needed improvements. Although they are necessary personal care items, I wanted to create something that was nice to look at and have, as well as being high quality and useful. Whenever I went to baby showers, I always bought perfume or something else for the mama-to-be, but felt that if we could create some really great products that were also giftable, then mamas-to-be would be all set!

The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business?

The biggest breakthrough was establishing my brand and niche. I had so many ideas in the beginning regarding the products we would create, but once I’d created the peri bottle, that then led on to creating the other products in the postpartum range..


Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?

My boys are teenagers now so actually enjoy helping with the business. It’s interesting as they are so very proud of the business and tell all their friends and show the products. They are not the least bit embarrassed about the nature of the products. My husband is an amazing support, especially in the more complex business side of things. He comes with me to the expos and talks to the expectant parents. It’s great he feels so comfortable and it’s good to have a male to speak to the expectant fathers.

The drive: What challenges have you overcome?

We had major inventory shortages during COVID, which was a nightmare, but we adapted and at that time designed and produced the sitz soak. Cashflow and managing inventory is also tricky in a physical products business. It takes a long time for the products to be designed, made and to ship, so you need to be constantly planning ahead.



 For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?

I love the creative side and new product development is my absolute favourite thing. Taking an idea through to a finished product is so satisfying and exciting. I have an amazing graphic designer who I’ve been working with for over 5 years now and he totally understands and manages to turn my ideas and drawings into exactly how I pictured them. I also love meeting our customers. We do interact a lot with our customers over social media and electronic means, but I absolutely love attending the PBC expos and being able to show and explain our products to expectant parents.

 As for cons, I’ve got to say that it’s very difficult to switch off from my business in my head. I have an office at home, and I think that can sometimes impact my time with my family when I decide to ‘just log on for 5 minutes to check…….’, which then turns into 45 minutes and beyond.




 Hopes and dreams: What next?

I just want to keep doing what I love and feel confident enough to hand over the stuff that I don’t love to others. I find it hard to delegate but as we grow, I’m finding that I have no choice.